Dayo Wong 黃子華 - 跟住去邊度 (肥胖篇)

Dayo Wong 黃子華 - 跟住去邊度 (香港文革篇)

Dayo Wong 黃子華 - 娛樂圈血淚史 (何謂中國人)

Dayo Wong 黃子華 - 娛樂圈血淚史 (同性戀)

Dayo Wong 黃子華 - 娛樂圈血淚史 (馬克思主義)

Dayo Wong 黃子華 - 末世財神 (菲佣)

Dayo Wong 黃子華 - 末世財神 (牛頓第八定律)

Dayo Wong 黃子華 - 末世財神 (勞力士篇)

Dayo Wong 黃子華 - 末世財神 (溝女條件篇)

Dayo Wong 黃子華 - 末世財神 (六合彩 女朋友的條件 愛情)

Dayo Wong 黃子華 - 末世財神 (跑馬)

Dayo Wong 黃子華 - 末世財神 (十億)

Dayo Wong 黃子華 - 末世財神 (我地阿爺 Part II)

Dayo Wong 黃子華 - 末世財神 (我地阿爺 Part 1)

Dayo Wong 黃子華 - 末世財神 (喜歡工作的人 Part II)

Dayo Wong 黃子華 - 末世財神 (喜歡工作的人 Part I)

Dayo Wong 黃子華 - 末世財神 (九七)

Dayo Wong 黃子華 - 秋前算賬 (恐怖文學)

Dayo Wong 黃子華 - 秋前算賬 (李鴻章 + 一國兩制)

Dayo Wong 黃子華 - 秋前算賬 (民主殖民地)

Dayo Wong 黃子華 - 秋前算賬 (學生三要求)

Dayo Wong 黃子華 - 秋前算賬 (六四啟示)

Dayo Wong 黃子華 - 秋前算賬 (支持學運)

Dayo Wong 黃子華 - 秋前算賬 (暴政必亡)

Dayo Wong 黃子華 - 秋前算賬 (井水不犯河水)

Dayo Wong 黃子華 - 秋前算賬 (移民)

Dayo Wong 黃子華 - 秋前算賬 (小販)

Dayo Wong 黃子華 - 秋前算賬 (教拍手掌)

Dayo Wong 黃子華 - 秋前算賬 (煮田雞)

Dayo Wong 黃子華 - 秋前算賬 (睡衣)

Dayo Wong 黃子華 - 秋前算賬 (全港市民熱烈慶祝回歸)

Dayo Wong 黃子華 - 秋前算賬 (鄧小平)

Dayo Wong 黃子華 - 秋前算賬 (英女皇)

Dayo Wong 黃子華 - 秋前算賬 (免費教育)

Dayo Wong 黃子華 - 秋前算賬 (學運)

Dayo Wong 黃子華 - 秋前算賬 (居安思危)

Dayo Wong 黃子華 - 秋前算賬 (追尋真理)

Dayo Wong 黃子華 - 秋前算賬 (釣魚臺)

Dayo Wong 黃子華 - 秋前算賬 (十個古仔)

Dayo Wong 黃子華 - 秋前算賬 (処男)

Dayo Wong 黃子華 - 秋前算賬 (睇醫生)

Dayo Wong 黃子華 - 秋前算賬 (馬死落地講英文)

Dayo Wong 黃子華 - 色情家庭 (父母、兒女債)

Dayo Wong 黃子華 - 色情家庭 (食色性也)

Dayo Wong 黃子華 - 玩無可玩 (外國人篇一)

Dayo Wong 黃子華 - 玩無可玩 (外國人篇二)

香港金像獎2004 黃子華Opening

第17屆金像獎 - 棟篤笑

Dayo Wong 黃子華 - 十下十下 (鐵達尼極限)

Dayo Wong 黃子華 - 十下十下 (保險從業員篇)

Dayo Wong 黃子華 - 十下十下 (股市)

Dayo Wong 黃子華 - 十下十下 (滿天神佛 +「熊貓」花名)

Dayo Wong 黃子華 - 十下十下 (機場篇)

Dayo Wong 黃子華 - 十下十下 (搵食篇二)

Dayo Wong 黃子華 - 十下十下 (搵食篇一)

Dayo Wong 黃子華 - 十下十下 (愛情令人盲目)

Dayo Wong 黃子華 - 無炭用 (part 4)

Dayo Wong 黃子華 - 無炭用 (part 3)

Dayo Wong 黃子華 - 無炭用 (part 2)

Dayo Wong 黃子華 - 無炭用 (part 1)

Dayo Wong 黃子華 - 無炭用 (抽獎split短片)

Dayo Wong 黃子華 - 無炭用 (尋找仆街)

Dayo Wong 黃子華 - 無炭用 (女士減肥)

Dayo Wong 黃子華 - 無炭用 (謝霆鋒頂包 & 何謂公平)

Dayo Wong 黃子華 - 無炭用 (處男 & 老年人)

Dayo Wong 黃子華 - 無炭用 (低d學習系列)

Dayo Wong 黃子華 - 無炭用 (可自殺的三種人)

Dayo Wong 黃子華 - 無炭用 (生命有take two)

Dayo Wong 黃子華 - 無炭用 (八萬五已經唔存在喇)

Dayo Wong 黃子華 - 無炭用 (結構性失業)

Dayo Wong 黃子華 - 無炭用 (年輕人同老年人嘅分別)

Dayo Wong 黃子華 - 無炭用 (董特首)

Dayo Wong 黃子華 - 無炭用 (梁錦松篇)

Dayo Wong 黃子華 - 無炭用 (自殺篇節錄)

Dayo Wong 黃子華 - 無炭用 (魚蛋篇)

Dayo Wong 黃子華 - 無炭用 (中大迎新)

棟篤笑 Stand-up comedy - Introduction

Stand-up comedy is a style of comedy where the performer speaks directly to the audience, with the absence of the theatrical fourth wall. A person who performs stand-up comedy is known as a stand-up comic, stand-up comedian or more informally stand up. It is usually performed by a single comedian, with the aid of a hand-held microphone.

The comedian usually recites a fast-paced succession of humorous stories, short jokes (called "bits"), and one-liners, which comprise what is typically called a monologue, routine or act. Some stand-up comedians use props, music or magic tricks to enhance their acts.

Stand-up comedy is often performed in comedy clubs, bars, colleges and theaters. However, there is no real restriction on where the craft can be performed. Many smaller venues hold "open mic" events, where amateur comedians perform comedy before a live audience, offering a way for such performers to hone their craft and possibly break into the business.

In North America, many comedy clubs feature the now-iconic brick wall as the backdrop for stand-up performances.

Many stand-up routines are similar to one-man shows, with the main difference being the expectations of the audience, who, in the case of stand-up, expect a relatively steady stream of "laughs". This in turn affects the aims of the performer, who is under great pressure to deliver those laughs. If the performer cannot coax laughs out of the crowd, sometimes the crowd will poke fun at the comedian, a practice known as heckling.

Stand-up comedy is difficult to master partly because the performer is at the mercy of the audience, which is an integral element of the act. An adept stand-up comedian must nimbly play off the mood and tastes of any particular audience, and adjust his or her routine accordingly.

Stand-up is an art form that is openly devoted to getting laughs from an audience above all else (unlike theatrical comedy, which creates comedy within the structure of a play and with character and situation). The skills attributed to stand-up are diverse; it is often necessary for a stand-up comic to simultaneously assume the roles of a writer, editor, performer, promoter, producer and technician.

One hallmark of a master stand-up comedian is the ability to not only face down a "heckler", but win over and entertain the rest of the crowd with a witty retort. Many stand-up comedians work for years to develop 45 minutes of material, and usually perform their bits repeatedly, slowly perfecting them over time. Actor-comedian Will Ferrell has called stand-up comedy hard, lonely and vicious.

棟篤笑即英文的「stand-up comedy」,港人黃子華於1990年從西方引進入華人社會的新表演藝術。但當時中文並沒有「stand-up comedy」的任何譯名,最後黃子華改之成棟篤笑。而林海峰在其表演則稱之為是但噏,兩者皆為英文「stand-up」的譯名(前者意譯、後者音譯)。據黃子華說是但噏是由俞琤改的。


有人認為,棟篤笑對中國來說不是一種新的表演方式,而只是「單口相聲」。雖然這樣理解或者分析並無不妥,可是相聲和棟篤笑在側重點跟表達手法上略有不同,「單人相聲」著重惹笑的效果而「棟篤笑」較側重內容深度。現在香港流行的單人舞台講話表演源于北美的 stand-up comedy,還是被稱為棟篤笑比較恰當。